Understanding Tooth Movement: From Tensegrity to Trauma and Good Vibrations to RAP

2018-11-24 09:00
Duração de 4 horas
Lisboa, Sede Nacional da SPEMD
GPS 38.762697 , -9.161071
Formadores: Michael E. Spoon

Para mais informações contactar secretariado@spemd.pt



As inscrições decorrem de 2018-10-26 13:00 até 2018-11-23 22:00. As inscrições estão encerradas.


  • Sócios
    • Inscrição (Sócios da SPEMD): 25.00 €

  • Sócios Estudantes
    • Inscrição (Estudantes do MIMD Sócios da SPEMD): Grátis

  • Não Sócios
    • Inscrição (Estudantes do MIMD e Pós-graduação em ortodontia): Grátis
    • Inscrição (Não sócios): 50.00 €

  • Sócios de outras entidades
    • Inscrição (Sócios da SPODF): 25.00 €

Inclui IVA à taxa legal em vigor


The first part of the lecture will briefly review the bone biology and mechanics of tooth movement. Mechanotransduction, the mechanostat hypothesis, tensegrity, and the regional acceleratory phenomenon will be described.
This will be followed by an examination and explanation of techniques that are being employed to accelerate tooth movement. The summary will distill these techniques into a few simple rules on tooth movement developments. Limitations of our understanding will also be enumerated.

In the second part and after reviewing convention cephalometrics and 3D reconstruction techniques, it will be given an overview of CBCT methods and development. Numerous examples of unusual cases, incidental findings, and pathology will be shown.

At the end, questions will be welcome.

CV do conferencista:
Dr. Spoon has taught in the Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics department at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health in Rochester, New York since 1991. He teaches Biomedical Imaging and Craniofacial Growth and Development.
He has been in private practice for the last 27 years, and his office is where the first i-CAT Next Generation CBCT was installed (in the U.S.), in 2007. Dr. Spoon was an early member of the Joint Cephalometrics Experts Group (JCEG)-which was instrumental in integrating 3D technology in orthodontics.
Dr. Spoon is the current President of the North Atlantic Component of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists (EHASO) and is planning a 2020 meeting in Lisbon. Dr. Spoon is also a member of the AAO and a Fellow of the American College of Dentists (FACD).

A palestra será ministrada em inglês sem tradução simultânea.

Nº vagas - Capacidade do Auditório (70 lugares).

9h00-10h30: Understanding Tooth Movement: From Tensegrity to Trauma and Good Vibrations to RAP

10h30-11h00: coffee break

11h30-12h30: An Overview of CBCT

12h30-13h00: Discussion


Anexos disponíveis

pdf 303.55 KB | Flyer
pdf 31.17 KB | Fotografia orador


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