6th International Oral Rehabilitation Congress

De 2017-04-07 a 2017-04-08
Patrocínio Científico SPEMD ID: 98

Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 50, 3º Piso 1070-064 Lisboa ​
1070-064 Lisboa

Telefone: 217264102

Comissão científica:
Professor João Caramês (President)
Professor António Vasconcelos Tavares
Professor Duarte Marques
Professora Fátima Bizarra
Professor Helena Francisco
Professor Jaime Gil
Professor Pedro Nicolau
Professor João Carlos Ramos
Professor Ricardo Faria de Almeida

Programa provisório:
Friday, April the 7th

9:30 – 10:15: Provisional restorations in implant dentistry: a step for the success Professor. João Carlos Ramos, Portugal

10.15 – 11:00: ´Implant Esthetics: From Expectations to Reality´
- A critical appraisal, based on 25-year clinical experience -
Professor Urs Belser, Switzerland

11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:45: Implant Esthetics: From Expectations to Reality
- A critical appraisal, based on 25-year clinical experience -
Professor Urs Belser, Switzerland

12:45 – 13:15 – Welcome and Opening Ceremony


14:30 – 15:15: Digital implant dentistry: Indications and Limitations
Professor Jaime Jimenez, Spain

15:15 – 16.00: Lip support in full arch rehabilitation: ridge osteotomy vs.
L-PRF augmentation. Professor João Caramês

16:00 – 16:30: Coffee Break

16: 30 – 17.15: New protocols in digital dentistry: the 3D revolution
Dr Jacobo Somoza

17.15 – 18:00: What I learned from PI Branemark
Dr Juan Pi Urgell

18.00-18.45: One more Predictable Option - Zirconia Implants
Dr André Chen

Saturday, April the 8th

9:30 – 10:15: Clinical application of enamel matrix protein derivative on periodontal regeneration and plastic periodontal surgery.
Professor Celia Coutinho Alves

10:15 - 11:00: Protocols for immediate implant placement in the anterior maxilla. Professor Ion Zabalegui, Spain

11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee Break

11:30 – 13: 00: The power of the decision tree: selection of appropriate clinical protocols in implant dentistry.
Professor Homa Zadeh, USA

13:00 – 14:30 – Lunch

14:30 – 16:00 Esthetic failures around implants: treatment and prevention. Professor Giovanni Zucchelli

16:00 – 16:30: Coffee Break

16: 30 – 18.00: Esthetic failures around implants: treatment and prevention. Professor Giovanni Zucchelli

Sábado de Manhã: Curso para Assistentes Dentárias e para higienistas

Sábado de Tarde (sessão paralela): 1st IORC Junior Summit
14:30 Alfonso Gil
15:00 Sara Casado
15:30 Daniel Ochoa

16:00 Coffee Break

16:30 Gonçalo Caramês
17:00 Belen Martinez
17:30 João Malta Barbosa
18:00 Victor Cambra

  • Homa H. Zadeh, DDS, PhD
    • Dr. Zadeh is a tenured Associate Professor and the director of the post-doctoral periodontology program at the University of Southern California (USC), Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry and a diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Dr. Zadeh received his doctor of dental surgery degree from USC Ostrow School of Dentistry. He has also completed advanced clinical education in Periodontology and earned a PhD degree in immunology from the University of Connecticut, Schools of dental medicine and medicine. Dr. Zadeh is internationally recognized for his clinical and scientific expertise. His clinical areas of interest range from esthetic and minimally invasive periodontal and implant surgery, as well as tissue engineering. Dr. Zadeh directs the Laboratory for Immunoregulation and Tissue Engineering (LITE) at USC, dedicated to studying basic mechanisms to regulate bone and tissue regeneration/destruction under health/disease states, as well as conducting clinical trials of dental implant outcomes. He has extensive publication track, having published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as book chapters. Dr. Zadeh is the director of USC International Periodontal and Implant Symposium, which is currently in its 42nd year of annual meetings; as well as USC-Taiwan Comprehensive Surgical and Restorative Implant Training Program, which has been in effect for the past 6 years. He is an active member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), Academy of Osseointegration (AO), American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and American Association for Dental Research (AADR). Dr. Zadeh also maintains a part-time private practice limited to Periodontology in Southern California.
  • Urs Belser
    • Graduated at the Dental Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

      Postgraduate specialty training in Reconstructive Dental Medicine (board certified specialist)

      at the University of Zurich. Assistant Professor and then, Senior Lecturer at the Department of

      Fixed Prosthodontics and Dental Materials of the University of Zurich (Chairman: Prof. Dr. Peter

      Schaerer, M.S.), from 1976 to 1980. Visiting Assistant Professor (1980-1982) at the Departments

      of Oral Biology (Chairman: Prof. Dr. A.G. Hannam) and Clinical Dental Sciences (Chairman:

      Prof. Dr. W. A. Richter), Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia (Canada). 1983-2012:

      Professor and Chairman of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion at the

      University of Geneva School of Dental Medicine. President of the Swiss Association of

      Prosthetic Dentistry from 1984 to 1988. 2002: Recipient of the Scientific Research Award of the

      Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics. President of the European Association of

      Prosthodontics (EPA) from 2002 to 2003. 2006 Visiting Professor, Harvard University, School of

      Dental Medicine (Boston, USA), Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials

      Sciences (Prof. Dr. H. P. Weber). 2005-2009: President of the School of Dental Medicine,

      University of Geneva. Since November 2012: Guest Professor, Department of Oral Surgery and

      Stomatology (Prof. Dr. D. Buser), and Department of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Dr. U.

      Braegger), School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern. April 2013: Honorary Fellow of the ITI

      and Editor-in-Chief of the Forum Implantologicum of the ITI. November 2014: Honorary

      Membership and Lecturer of the Year Award, American College of Prosthodontics (ACP).

      Research activities in the fields of implant dentistry, with special emphasis on esthetics and

      latest developments in the field of CAD/CAM technology and high performance dental

      ceramics, as well as on adhesive reconstructive dental medicine.
  • Ion Zabalegui
    • Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía General.

      Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco. 1976 – 1982

      Especialidad en Estomatología.

      Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco. 1982 – 1984

      Certificado en Periodoncia.

      University of Southern California. 1985 – 1987

      Profesor Colaborador.

      Sección Periodoncia Post grado. UCM. Madrid. 1987 – 2010

      Profesor Invitado.

      Odontología Integrada. Univ. País Vasco. 1993 – 2000

      Post Grado Univ. Valencia

      Sevilla, UIC, Santiago de C.

      Miembro de Sociedades.

      Sociedad Española De Periodoncia

      American Academy of Periodontology

      American Academy of Osseointegration

      Pierre Fauchard Academy

      International College of Dentistry

      Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica

      European Academy of Osseointegration

      Jornadas de educación continuada BQDC 2013- 2014

      49º Reunión anual SEPA Febrero 2015
  • Jaime Jimenez
    • -DDS & PHD degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.(UCM)

      -Post graduate Perio & Implant department (Chairman: Prof Dennis Tarnow) New York University (NYU).

      -Annual Award ¨New York University College of Dentistry Student Research Competition held´.

      -Former Chairman of the Department of the Implant dentistry at the European University of Madrid. (UEM).

      -Former Adjunct Professor at the department of Periodontics and Implant dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry (NYUCD).

      -Lecturer worldwide in over 20 countries recently (Czech republic, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Korea, China, Japan, Emirates, Singapore, USA, Poland, Saudi, etc....) at international meetings on the field of implants dentistry.

      -Member of various National and International societies (SEPES, SEPA, SEI, SECIB, AO, EAO, AAP).

      -Fellow of the International Colleague of Dentist (ICD).

      -His activities, both in Clinical Practice (Clinica CIRO- Madrid) and Clinical Research cover the field of Oral Implantology, as well as implant Prosthodontics.

      -Co- Author of the book ¨ Occlusal Adjustments in Implants and Natural Dentition: 3D Occlusion¨ Quintessence- 2015.

      -Former Vice-president of the scientific committee of the Colleague of Dentist of Madrid. (COEM).
  • Jacobo Somoza
    • Ldo. en Odontología por el ´Instituto Superior das Ciencias da Saude - Norte´ Oporto, Portugal.

      Especialista en Odontología Estética Facultad de Odontología de la Univ. Complutense de Madrid.

      Third master course of Implanvology and Reconstructive Dentistry in Switzerland Certified and Jointly Organized by School of Dental Medicine University of Berne, Switzerland; and School of Dental Medicine University of Geneva, Switzerland.

      Profesor del Curso Clínico de Implantología Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

      Miembro de diferentes sociedades científicas como:

      La Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica (SEPES) y de la Sociedad Española de Odontología Computarizada (SOCE).
  • Giovanni Zucchelli
    • Doctor in Dentistry

      Professor of Periodontology Bologna University

      PHD in Medical Biotecnology applied to Dentistry

      Active member and Vice-President of Italian Society of Periodontology ,

      Active member of European Federation of Periodontology

      Member of the Editorial Bord of the European Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry

      Winner of scientific prizes for the research in periodontology in Europe

      and USA

      Authors of scientific publications in the fields of Periodontology and an

      atlas text book on soft tissue plastic surgery
  • João Caramês
    • Director and founder of the Implantology Institute® in Lisbon;

      President elected (2013-2015) of the General Assembly, Portuguese Dental Association (OMD);

      Senior Professor, Lisbon University College of Dental Medicine (FMDUL);

      Chairman of the Occlusion, TMD and Oral Facial Pain Department, Lisbon University College of Dental Medicine;

      Chairman of the Implant Dentistry Department, Lisbon University College of Dental Medicine;

      Adjunct Professor, Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Department, New York University College of Dentistry;

      Clinical Director, Lisbon University College of Dental Medicine;

      International Director in Portugal of the Continuing Education Program of the New York University College of Dentistry;

      Coordinator of the Implant Research Group, Biomedical and Oral Sciences Research Center (UICOB);

      Postgraduate Program in Prosthodontics New York University College of Dentistry - USA;

      Postgraduate Program in Implant Dentistry New York University College of Dentistry CE - USA;

      Postgraduate Program in Oral Surgery New York University College of Dentistry CE - USA;

      Received the Outstanding Alumni Award from the New York University College of Dentistry - USA;

      Authored diverse books; Published and lectured extensively national and internationally;

      Member of the scientific committee, editor and reviewer of several Dental Journals;

      Private Practice limited to Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry
  • André Chen
    • Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Faculty (Lisbon University)

      Oral Surgery Post-Graduation Course(2008-2011-Lisbon University),

      NYU College of Dentistry Implant Dentistry Alumni (2006-2008)

      NYU Continuing Education Oral Rehabilitation Program (2004-2006)

      Clinical Dental Research Program (2012-Washington University - Seattle)

      Master Science In Bone Regeneration (Msc-University Lisbon)

      Graduated in Lisbon University School of Dentistry

      Private Pratice - Instituto Implantologia Lisbon Portugal
  • Célia Coutinho Alves
    • Dentistry degree in FMDUP (2000) – Oporto- Portugal

      Post-graduation in Periodontics FMDUP (2001) Oporto – Portugal

      Master Implants of International Team for Implantology 2002/03

      Clinical Residence 2004 - Pericop. P.C. Dr. Myron Nevins-Boston-USA

      ITI Fellow – Member of the directive committee of Iberic ITI Section

      Invited Professor of the Master of Periodontics of ISCSN-Porto-Portugal and

      University of Santiago de Compostela – Spain

      Invited Assistant Professor of the Periodontics Department of Catolic University - Viseu– Portugal

      PhD by the Odontology and Medicine Faculty of Santiago de Compostela – Spain

  • Tarifários do evento:
    Antes 1/3/17
    Estudantes 25€
    Médicos Dentistas licenciados há menos de 3 anos 55€
    Médicos Dentistas licenciados há mais de 3 anos 80€
    Curso de Higienistas Orais 75€
    Curso para Assistentes dentárias 50€

    Após 1/3/17
    Estudantes 35€
    Médicos Dentistas há menos de 3 anos 75€
    Médicos Dentistas há mais de 3 anos 95€
    Curso de Higienistas Orais 95€
    Curso para Assistentes dentárias 70€

    Desconto para sócios SPEMD: 10.00%

    Organização: Caec

    O IORC é um congresso de renome que já vai na sua sexta edição. Este ano estamos a preparar um evento com grandes conferencistas nacionais e internacionais da atualidade. Como já é hábito, a comissão cientifica e organizadora irão proporcionar um programa para a atualização na área da implantologia não só para médicos dentistas, mas também para assistentes dentárias, higienistas orais e técnicos de prótese.


Pagamento de quota 2024 Parcerias SPEMD

Noites SPEMD

Aesthetics, Skeletal anchorage, Artificial intelligence and 3D technology: have our clinics changed?


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