SENAME - The Future of Dentistry

De 2015-09-17 a 2015-09-19
Patrocínio Científico SPEMD ID: 71
Rua Dr. António Loureiro Borges Edificio 5 1º andar, Arquipark, Miraflores
1495-131 Algés
Telefone: 961710310

Comissão científica:
Prof. Gilberto Sammartino
Dr. Kostantinos Valavanis
Dr. Miguel Stanley
Dr. Célia Alves
Dr. Filipa Braga

Programa provisório:
Gilberto Sammartino - Implantology Nowadays: Myths, certainties and doubts.
Joseph Choukroun - PRF Technique ´Platelet Rich Fibrin.
Konstantinos Valavanis - Implant therapy strategies for the aesthetic zone.
Marco Esposito - Short implants or longer implants in vertically augmented bone for atrophic mandible
Alain Simonpieri - Requirement for successful aesthetic in immediate loading.


Faten Bem Amor - Anatomical environment of mandibular impacted Wisdom tooth, how to evaluate the risk Tunisian approach.
Ahmed M. Osman - Effect of connection design on the long term implant prognosis
Giuseppe Luongo - The Digital Dentistry Revolution: how the new technologies are changing our daily practice.
Livio Yoshinaga - DSD: Digital Smile Design.
Christian Coachman - The virtual Lab. The Future Now!
Sam Lee - Innovative Bone Augmentation Techniques in Implant
Jack Krauser - A simple extraction: What interesting decisions follow?
Alejandro Vivas Rojo - The main treatment options for severely edentulous atrophic posterior maxilar and mandible.
Henry Salama - Implantology.


Fatmé A. Mouchret Hamasni - How to design the crown lengthening procedure for better esthetic result.
Jaafar Mouyhi - 3D PLANIFICATION & GUIDED implant surgery; state of the ART.
Marius Steigman - Prevention and treatment of soft tissue complications in
Pascal Marquardt - The challenge: Advanced digital vs approved techniques for a predictable implant placement in the esthetic zone- A clinical comparison.
Fernando Rojas Viscaya - The 3A-2B biological rule as a tool for implant planning, placement and restoration in simple or complex cares.

Salah Huwais - Osseodensification, A Novel Biomechanical Approach to Implant Site Preparation.
Isaac Tawil - Treatment of soft and or narrow bone, using a new paradigm shift Osseodensification.
Miguel Stanley - No Half Smiles.
Kwang Bum Park - Implantology.

  • Ahmed M. Osman
    • Dr. Osman graduated as a DDS from University of Cairo, School of Dental and Oral Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. 1991 - 1996. He then studied at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Maxillofacial Clinic, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 1998 Currently Dr. Osman is a dentist and the owner of a clinic and dentist in Cairo, Egypt, specialised in prosthodontics, implantology and aesthetic dentistry.
  • Christian Coachman
    • Dr. Coachman graduated in Dental Technology in 1995 and in Dentistry in 2002 at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He is a member of the Brazilian and American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and attended the Ceramic Specialization Program at the Ceramoart Training Center, where he also became an instructor. In 2004, Dr. Coachman was invited by Dr. Goldstein, Garber, and Salama, of Team Atlanta, to become Head Ceramist of their laboratory, a position he held for over 4 years. Dr. Coachman worked with many leading dentists around the world as Dr Van Dooren (Belgium), Gurel (Turkey), Fradeani (Italy), Bichacho (Israel), Ricci (Italy) and Calamita (Brazil). Currently he works at his family Dental Clinic in San Paulo -Brazil. He is the developer of techniques such as the Pink Hybrid Implant Restoration and the Digital Smile Design Concept.
  • Joseph Choukroun
    • Dr. Choukroun graduated in Dental Medicine at the University of Montpellier, France, in 1979. He has been a specialist in General Surgery, Anesthesiology and Pain Management since, 1986. He is the President of SYFAC (International Symposium on Growth Factors) and the inventor of the PRF (Protein Rich Fibrin) techniques: L-PRF, A-PRF and i-PRF. Dr. Choukroun currently owns a Private Pain Clinic in Nice, France and is the author of several scientific papers and an international speaker worldwide.
  • Alain Simonpieri
    • Dr. Simonpieri has been a private practitioner in periodontology and implantology in Beausoleil and Marseille, France, since 1980. He is a Professor of Oral Surgery at University Federico II Naples, Italy and has a Post Graduate Degree in surgical and prosthetic implantology from University of Marseille, France; in oral surgery and implantology and aesthetics in fixed prosthesis from New York University, USA and in periodontology from Paris VII University, France. He has a diploma from the College of Oral Implantology, Professor J. BORI, France and he’s also the Director of Aesthetic Implantology Institute, France Dr. Simonpiere is also an active member of international congress of oral implantology and the European association of New York University.
  • Pascal Marquardt
    • Dr. Pascal Marquardt graduated from the Albert-Ludwig- University in 2001 in Freiburg, Germany. He was as an Assistant Professor from 2002 to 2008 in the Department of Prosthodontics in Freiburg and was responsible for undergraduate student and postgraduate faculty training. Dr. Marquardt is a Specialist of the German Society of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials (DGpro), certified Member of the German Society of Implantology (DGI), the German Association of Endodontics and Traumatology (DGEndo), active member of the Neue Gruppe and affiliate member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). Dr. Marquardt has had his own private practice in Cologne since 2010.
  • Konstantinos Valavanis
    • Dr. Valavanis graduated as a D.D.S from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 2000. He trained in implant surgery at Kraichtal Germany and the Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston. He was then trained in implant prosthetics by Prof. Nitzan Bichacho in Telaviv, Israel. He is part of the Oral Surgery Department, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy, Dr. Valavanis is also a senior partner in the Athens Dental Institute, Athens, Greece. He currently serves as the president of ICOI-Hellas, ambassador and member on the board of directors of ICOI and board member of the SENAME Association.
  • Marius Steigmann
    • Dr. Steigmann graduated in Dental Medicine in Neumarkt in 1987. In 2005, he received his PhD from University of Neumarkt. He is a Diplomate of the ICOI and a member of the board of the DGOI. He is the founder and Scientific chairman of ´Update Implantologie Heidelberg´ 2002-2011 and the founder and director of the
  • Marco Esposito
    • Dr.Marco graduated in dentistry at the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1990 and was awarded a PhD in Biomaterials from the Göteborg University in 1999. He worked as Guest Researcher at NIOM (Scandinavian Institute of Dental Materials), Haslum, Norway and is a specialist in Periodontics (UK). Dr Marco Esposito is Senior Lecturer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Editor of the Cochrane Oral Health Group, Director of the Postgraduate Dental Specialties courses in Dental Implantology (Certificate, Diploma and Master), School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, UK. He is also an Associate Professor in Biomaterials with the Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Sweden, and Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Oral Implantology. He has written more than 80 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
  • Davide Farronato
    • Dr. Farronato graduated in Dentistry in Milan, has a PhD in ´Innovative Techniques in Oral Implantology and Implant Prosthetic Rehabilitation´, and is a specialist in Oral Surgery. Dr. Davide is an active member of SICOI (Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology), SIED (Italian Society of Esthetic Dentistry), MINEC (MegaGen International Network of Education and Clinical Research) and founding member of the SISCOO (Italian Society of Specialists in Oral Surgery). He is Implant Designer for different companies and Researcher at the University of Insubria. His clinical activity is mainly oriented to the implant rehabilitation and his scientific work is aimed at understanding the variables that affect the stability of peri-implant tissues in the long term.
  • Giuseppe Luongo
    • Dr. Giuseppe Luongo has his Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Naples, Italy. He has a Post-graduate Specialization in Odontostomatology from the University of Rome and a Specialization in Maxillo-Facial Surgery from University of Naples, Italy. Dr. Luongo is an adjunct Professor at the School of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University Federico II of Naples and a member of the Biomaterial international Club. He was the president of the SIO , from 2009 to 2011
  • Gilberto Sammartino
    • Dr. Sammartino is Head of the Unit of Oral Surgery and Implantology University of Naples ´Federico II´ and was Chief of the School of Oral Surgery, University of Naples
  • Fatmé A Mouchref Hamasni
    • Dr. Fatmé is a specialist in Periodontology and Implantology. She is the Director of postgraduate studies in Periodontology at the Lebanese University, Beirut. She is the former chairperson of the department of Periodontology at the Lebanese University and the founder of the Department of Periodontology at the the Lebanese University, Faculty of Dentistry, in 1986
  • Jaafar Mouyhi
    • Dr. Jaafar graduated as a DDS from the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in 1990 and has a Master degree in Biomedical engineering, Free University of Brussels (VUB) 1991. He got his clinical training Diploma from the Oral Implantology ,Brånemark clinic, Göteborg University 1993. He did Post graduate Periodontology (ULB) 1993, Laser therapy (ULB), 1995. Dr. Mouyhi is assistant Clinical Professor in advanced Periodontology, at the University of Southern California, USA, 2004-2012, the director of Casablanca Oral Rehabilitation Training & Education Center, Casablanca, Morocco and Head of the department of Oral rehabilitation & Implantology, St Pierre University Hospital, Free University of Brussels.1994-2000
  • Miguel Stanley
    • Dr. Miguel Stanley has been practising since 1998, having graduated from ISCS-Egas Moniz and taken his post graduate training at the Branemark CEOSA center in Madrid in 1999, completing his training in cosmetic dentistry in 2000. He then went on to train in functional aesthetics and occlusion in Chicago in 2005. He’s the creator and producer of 7 makeover TV shows in Portugal on major networks since 2005, having also been part of The Doctors CBS in Hollywood, USA in 2013. He counts amongst his other achievements, being the author of the book ´Health on the Path to Happiness´. Being a board member for Portugal for SENAME (South European North African and Middle Eastern Modern Dentistry and Implant Society) he is responsible for the 2015 annual event. As an exclusive lecturer for major implant companies, he focuses on his philosophy
  • Fernando Rojas Vizcaya
    • Dr. Fernando got his DDS degree at the University Javeriana School of Dentistry in Bogota, Colombia. He has a Specialty Degree in Buccal Surgery and Oral Medicine and Implant Surgery at the University Complutense in Madrid and a certificate training in Oral Surgery at Gregorio Marañon Hospital in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Rojas-Vizcaya completed his post-graduate specialty degree in Prosthodontics along with a Master of Sciences Degree in Prosthodontics, and a Fellowship in Oral Implantology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA. He is the founder and director of the Mediterranean Prosthodontic Institute and BoneModels, and maintains a private practice specialized in implant surgery and prosthodontics in Castellon, Spain.
  • Kwang Bum Park
    • Dr. Park Graduated in dental medicine from Kyungpook National University, Periodontics, DDS, MS, PhD. He is the CEO of MegaGen Implant Co., Ltd.Director and Chair of MINEC (MegaGen International Network of Education & Clinical research) education center, Implant & Periodontics training session Currently he is the director of MIR Dental Hospital in Daegu, Korea where he practises exclusively periodontics and implant surgery.
  • Faten Ben Amor
    • Dr. Fatem is a Professor of Anatomy, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Monastir University, Tunisia. She is also the manager of oral health and oral rehabilitation research laboratory and editor in chief of Tunisian Dental News Journal. Dr. Ben Amor is the Honorary President of Tunisian Dental Association of research and study in Surgery and Pain (ATORECD) and also SENAME‘s General Secretary.
  • Michael Apa
    • Dr. Apa graduated as a DDS from the College of Dentistry, New York University in 2003. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Cariology & Comprehensive Care at, NYU College of Dentistry. Dr. Apa is also a Lecturer in various locations in New York, Palm Beach, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Dr. Apa has developed a new approach to aesthetic dentistry called Facial Aesthetic Design (FAD). FAD creates natural smiles that fit the face and enhance appearance. Through this approach, Dr. Apa creates a blueprint for the future of aesthetic dentistry, raising standards and meeting expectations for the best smile attainable.
  • Jack Krauser
    • Dr. Krauser graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a DMS degree, achieved his certification in Advanced Dental Standing, Periodontics from Boston University and a BA from University of Connecticut. Dr. Krauser has lectured in five continents, contributed to implant related texts, co-authored a recently published book for Elsevier, ´Dental implants - The Art and the Science´. His experience placing implants began in 1985, but he also specializes in many periodontal therapy procedures.He is a Member of the Academy of Periodontology, International Congress of Oral Implantologists and American College of Oral Implantologists. Since 1982 and 1985, respectively, Dr. Krauser has held hospital appointments at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and West Boca Medical Center.
  • Samuel Lee
    • Diplomate of American Board of Oral Implantology Post Doctoral Training in Periodontology-Harvard School of Dental Medicine DDS- UCLA School of Dentistry 1st place Table Clinic Presentation in 2009 ICOI 1st place Table Clinic Presentation in 2009 AAID Dr. Samuel Lee has earned double doctoral degree in Dentistry. He has earned Doctor of Medical Science (4-5 years full time doctoral degree) from Harvard University, and Doctor of Dental Surgery (4 years) from UCLA School of Dentistry. He is a Diplomate of American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry, and limits his dental practice in Implant Surgery and orthodontics. The inventor of ´Crestal Window Sinus Grafting Technique He is the president of International Academy of Dental Implantology, and focus his career in teaching and research.
  • Henry Salama
    • Dr. Salama received his post-doctoral specialty certificates in both periodontics and periodontal-prosthesis, fixed prosthodontics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the former director of the Implant Research Center, at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught as a Clinical Assistant professor in the Department of Periodontics for over 20 years. Dr. Salama is currently in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia, and Linwood, New Jersey, limited to advanced restorative and implant therapy. His clinical research activities focus on long-term stability of esthetic soft tissue enhancement techniques, as well as immediate and early loading of root form implants. Dr. Salama is a member of the Scientific Committee of the leading Web based Dental Education site
  • Isaac Tawil
    • Dr. Tawil received his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from New York University College of Dental Surgery and has a Masters degree in Biology. He also has a Bachelor´s degree in Psychology. Dr. Tawil has received his diplomat from the International Academy of Dental Implantology fellowship with the International Congress of Oral Implantology, and the Advanced Dental Implant Academy and recognition for Outstanding Achievement in dental implants from the Advanced Dental Implant Academy. He has also received the President´s Service Award for his volunteer work in places like Honduras, Tijuana, and Lima Peru. He maintains a general private practice in Brooklyn, NY where he focuses on implant therapy. Hs interests are in advanced implant techniques and immediate implantation.
  • Alejandro Vivas Rojos
    • Dr. Alejandro graduated as a DDS from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1996 and from the Universidad de Granada, España in 1999. He did an Internship at Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Spain from 1996 to 2001. He has a Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from University of Miami, USA and a Certificate in Implant Dentistry at David Krisser Dental Center NYU, USA. (2005) Currently he is an attending surgeon at Hospital dos Lusiadas, Lisbon-Portugal; oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and a Collaborate Faculty Member of University of Miami. Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Miller School of Medicine. USA.

  • Tarifários do evento:
    300euros médico dentista
    175euros estudante medicina dentária

    Desconto para sócios SPEMD: 15.00%

    Organização: SENAME Implant Society




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