The 30th World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science

De 2012-08-18 a 2012-08-22

Data limite de resumos: 2012-02-15
Berlim, Alemanha

On behalf of your hosts, The Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistentinnen/ Assistenten in der Medizin e.V (dvta) - German Association of Biomedical Scientists, and IFBLS - International Federation of Biomedical laboratory Science, it is our pleasure to invite you to
The 30th World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science, taking place 18-22nd August, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

The 30th World Congress is a global event and will host a large number of biomedical scientists, researchers, laboratory workers and business executives from around the world to discuss and share the latest knowledge in biomedical laboratory science.

The congress will address many exciting topics including:

• Molecular Diagnostics of Bacterial and Viral Infectious Diseases

• New Methods in Autoimmune Diagnostics

• Molecular Medicine: State of the Art - Between Individualized Diagnostics and Transparency

• Haematological Neoplasia: Between Morphology and Next-Generation Sequencing


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